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<< Back to the Tutorial PagePractice Workbook open to the Overheard and Under-appreciate Exercise

There’s something in the way people talk to one another in person that’s strangely hard to capture when you sit down to write.


This exercise takes the conversations of the people around you and remixes them into a completely different story. What might seem like boring gossip can make for a great conversational lyric when taken out of context. Fill it all out at once or come back whenever you’re in a situation where you can listen politely.

By collecting snippets of dialogue throughout the day/month you’ll end up with a unique verse and a perfect song starter. 

Note: For the Covid times - there are an estimated 1.7 Million podcasts out in the world today. Pick a random interview/conversational style one and voila! I find it particularly useful to choose a category I know very little about so that I'm coming at it with a fresh set of ears. Feel free to skip around each episode, there's no rule saying you have to stay for the whole thing. You do you. 

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